Building a Better Tomorrow
At Project ComeBack we know that strength not only lies in our words, but in our actions as well. We have set out on a mission to help heal horses and humans. Founded in 2017, Project ComeBack will strive to inspire actions and support communities.
We find that through sharing the horse's story people can connect with parts of that, and start to draw parallels to their own healing process. The variety of traumas that our horses are healing from connects with a variety of lived experiences of the people who come out to help them, after all everyone has trauma, everyone is human.
We currently operate out of two locations, which allows us to offer safe programing year round without being impacted by the weather. Project ComeBack North is located in Holliston, MA, and offers programming from May - October. Project ComeBack South is located in Timmonsville, SC, and offers programming from November - April.

\ˈkəmˌbak/ noun
A return to a former good position or condition

Founder & Executive Director
Lindsay Andon
I'm not sure how my obsession with horses started, but I remember they were all I could think about. As soon as I could talk I was begging my parents to bring me down the street to see our neighbor's chestnut gelding, Roman.
Riding lessons started when I was 6 and I never looked back. The more time I spent with horses, the more I noticed how different I felt with them. Accepted, unconditionally loved, guided, educated, free from all other cares. Most horse people feel this to a degree, we understand the healing power of horses on an innate level.
I began to understand this healing on a much deeper level, when my mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer during my senior year of high school. Our horses gently guided us through something we did not know how to navigate. They helped us find peace and be in the moment through times of fear and uncertainty.
From there a new obsession was born, and opportunities came that allowed me to witness the healing power of horses over and over again....from volunteering for a therapeutic riding facility, BINA, to helping a veteran friend heal, to my newest adventure of volunteering for Saratoga WarHorse. After watching the amazing transformations happen with veterans at SWH, I wanted them to have an opportunity to continue. So I founded Project Comeback with the simple idea that veterans could comeback and spend time with program horses to continue the connection that was made.
Board of Directors

Meet the PCB North Team
Meet the people who graciously volunteer their time, talents, and skills to help run our North Location: